Friday 11 April 2014

See this BUM-BUM Billboard.

There is no level people can't go to, all in the name of branding and advertising.
Can we call this BUM-BUM billboard? or what. This company is hiring students to wear sweatpants with an advert.  stamped at their butts. Why? They believe that there are some bad guys who spend too much time starring at the butts of girls. In the process, they read the advert. by all means. A girl will be paid about $500 to hand ad flyers to potential patrons, while using their backsides as a mobile billboard. About 600 women applied for this job almost immediately. Can you beat that? If you are a lady, will you apply for this type of job? And ,if you are a guy, will you stare at the billboard? Please, I want an honest answer.

All hail University of the People, for the people, by the United Nations.

When are we going to have a tution-free university in Nigeria? The United Nations recently launched what they claim to be the world’s first tuition-free online university. Can you imagine this? Dubbed University of the People, the site aims to bring education to the masses. One Shai Reshef, head of the venture, has ambitions of giving free textbooks, e-learning, and peer-to-peer teaching to hundreds of millions of people with no access to conventional teaching methods. This is wonderful. Can you beat that?  According to the UN, students will be placed in classes of 20, after which they can log on to a weekly lecture, discuss it with their peers, and take tests online. Volunteer professors, graduate students, and students in other classes offer additional training. We need such of this in Nigeria, as a matter of urgency. Do you agree with me?

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Ghana Local Artists strike Gold.

This movie poster was painted and  exhibited by local artists in Accra, Ghana. The artist named Afutu says that the painted poster will attract people to go and watch the movie.
" In his quest to entice cinema-goers, Afutu spares no detail: if a movie is bloody, his posters will be bloody; if there's nudity, there's nudity on the poster."   "The way they will think of the movie will be (as) a wicked or hard movie.
"Imaginative reworkings in Ghana has seen an influx of cash as its economy expands on the back of new-found oil and its longstanding exports of gold and cocoa, creating a growing advertising culture for a rising middle class".
" Interpretations of Hollywood blockbusters by local artists are coveted by art collectors and can sell for hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars."

Exhibition of movie posters painted by Ghana local Artists. (
"These are really creative people."

See the new Zinsou Museum in Ouidah, Cotonu, Republic of Benin.

The newly renovated Villa Ajavon, now the new zinsou museum in Ouidah, Cotonu.
This picture shows the renovated villa Ajavon, which was originally built in 1922, where the new Zinsou museum and contemporary arts center has been established, in Ouidah, Republic of Benin.
 The small coastal town of Ouidah, some 40km from Cotonou, long known for being one of the embarking points for many African slaves on their way to America, is now home to the new Zinsou museum and contemporary arts center of the villa Ajavon, where the works of fourteen renowned African artists are currently on display. The Zinsou foundation opened in 2005 at a building in Benin's largest city of Cotonou, where access was free to view both African and foreign art. The foundation attracted four million visitors in eight years, mostly students under the age of 15. As it became more established, the Zinsou Foundation began acquiring a diverse collection of contemporary African art, with the goal of opening a permanent museum. (Copyright:

Monday 7 April 2014

How the Leopard got its Spots.

I asked you to share your animal fables with my readers . Here is my own fable.
I dont have a copyright on this. Initially, Leopard was very friendly with the fire. Every day the Leopard went to see the fire, but the fire never visited him in return. This went on so long that the Leopard's wife mocked her husband, saying it was a poor sort of friend who would never return a visit.When he went out the next day she quarelled with him and said it must be because his house was unworthy that his friend would never come to it. So the Leopard begged the fire to come to his house on the next day.
At first the fire tried to excuse himself, saying he never visited. But the Leopard pressed him, and the fire said he never walked but if there was a road of dry leaves from his house to the Leopard's then he would come. The Leopard went home and told  his wife what to do. She gathered leaves and laid them in a long line from one house to the other. She and her husband prepared their house ready to do honour to the fire. While they were waiting they heard a strong wind and loud cracks outside the door. The Leopard went to see what was the matter and it was the fire at the door. His fingers of flame touched the Leopard ,but he and his wife leapt backwards and jumped out of the window. Their house was destroyed, and ever since then the Leopard and his wife have been marked all over their bodies with black spots where the fingers of fire touched them. That is the end of my story. Interesting...

African Animal Fables.

African stories is laced with animal fables a lot.Some of these animals are pictured with human feelings.Some are pure fantasy, others are projections of human desires. Examples are: why frogs croak; why the snake shed its skin; why bats fly only at night. etc. Do you know any African fable you will want to share with my readers. Go ahead and send it. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Top 50 brands in Nigeria

Here is an opportunity for Nath Ogunyale's blog readers to help build a list of 50 top brands in Nigeria?
Just send your own nomination and I shall publish it. Mention a reason, at least, why you nominate the brand.
Expecting your nominations.