Tuesday 8 April 2014

Ghana Local Artists strike Gold.

This movie poster was painted and  exhibited by local artists in Accra, Ghana. The artist named Afutu says that the painted poster will attract people to go and watch the movie.
" In his quest to entice cinema-goers, Afutu spares no detail: if a movie is bloody, his posters will be bloody; if there's nudity, there's nudity on the poster."   "The way they will think of the movie will be (as) a wicked or hard movie.
"Imaginative reworkings in Ghana has seen an influx of cash as its economy expands on the back of new-found oil and its longstanding exports of gold and cocoa, creating a growing advertising culture for a rising middle class".
" Interpretations of Hollywood blockbusters by local artists are coveted by art collectors and can sell for hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars."

Exhibition of movie posters painted by Ghana local Artists. (Artdaily.com)
"These are really creative people."

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